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Her Sadhana means not just attaining courage and valour but also the divine grace of Shiva, her consort. Rudra Mahakali is the annihilator of all pains, afflictions, problems and enemies in one’s life. On her Sadhak she bestows perfect health and youth. Death cannot come uncalled to such a person. Her divine presence means birth of supreme conscience and intelligence. A hypnotic charm keeps radiating from the physique of a Siddh of Mahakali. Friends he has many and foes dare not harm him.
Like a mother, Kali fulfils all needs of a Sadhak and blesses him with wealth, fame, respect and a happy family life. And where she assures material prosperity, she also ensures spiritual upliftment.
The Sadhana of Mahakali can be started on any moonless night. One propitious day is 26.1.99. Sit facing South on a black mat. Place a steel plate filled with black sesamum seeds before yourself. On it place Mahakali Yantra. Pray to the Yantra chanting thus.
Karaal Vadanaam Ghoraam Muktakeshim-chaturbhujaa Namaami Rakta Kaaleem Taam Mundmaalaa Vibhooshitaam. Ghor-raavaam Mahaaroudreem Shamshaanaalay Vaseeneem, Baalaark-mandalaakaar Lochana-tritayaa-nvitaam. |
Namah Aam Aam Krom Krom Phat Swaha Kaali Kaalike Hoom. |
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